Health Benefits of Cola Lepidota (Yellow Monkey Kola)

If you have never eaten this sweet crunchy fruit, then you are missing a lot. I first saw and tasted it while in Cross River.

I think the state is one of the major areas you can get Yellow Monkey Kola in abundance.

I never knew about the local name but the seller (down in the east) called it achicha/ochicha.

Yellow Monkey Kola

Yellow Monkey Kola, also known as Cola Lepidota is just one of the tens of varieties of Monkey Kolas.

In Nigeria, this species is predominant than other varieties you can find in the market, such as Cola Millenii and Cola Pachycarpa.

Smaller pods have one fruit inside while the bigger ones may have two to fives fruits.

Why is it called Monkey Kola?

The name Monkey kola was given to the fruits and their species because they mimic Kolanut, just as Monkeys mimic humans.

Monkey kolas are the wild relatives of Kolanut because it mainly grows in the wild and is edible too. However, many believed it might be because Monkeys eats them a lot.

Regardless of the reason behind the name, we are more interested in the benefits.

Nutritional value of Cola Lepidota

100g portion of fresh Cola Lepidota contains:

Crude protein1.75g
Fibre ash1.58g
Potassium68.1 mg
Vitamin A25.63mg
Vitamin C12.98mg

Cola Lepidota also contains other phytochemicals such as glycosides, steroids and β-carotene. More so, it is also enriched with vitamins B, Iron, Sodium, Zinc, Copper, and Selenium.

6 Health Benefits of Cola Lepidota

1. Reduce inflammation

It is rich in antioxidants. Therefore, it can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart diseases by protecting the cells against free radicals.

Besides, it helps improve the immune system by working against any inflammation on the body organs or any parts of the body.

2. Contains phytochemicals

Just like other varieties of Monkey Kola, Cola Lepidota also contains phytochemicals. However, the flavonoid is more abundant than the rest as aforementioned.

Phytochemicals also do the work of antioxidant and even more. It can help to improve the function of the immune system and regulate hormones.

3. Promote healthy skin

Cola Lepidota contains beta-carotene, an antioxidant by the name “carotenoids”, which gives the fruit its yellow colour.

Beta-carotene helps to boost hair and skin appearance by repairing the damaged cells as well as protect them against UV radiation.

4. Muscle and bone strength

The steroids it contains make it beneficial for the muscles and bones. It helps to increase muscle strength and bone mineral density.

Besides, Cola Lepidota also contains Calcium and Phosphorous, which helps build strong bones.

More importantly, it contains potassium, which helps to prevent or reduce the loss of these bone-strengthening minerals (Calcium and Phosphorous).

5. Improve blood cell production

Cola Lepidota contains steroids. Steroids work is not only to build muscles; it also helps to boost both the production of the white and red blood cell.

It boosts the haemoglobin (protein) levels of the red blood cell. More so, it enhances the activities of the white blood cells in fighting foreign bodies against infection and diseases.

The quantity of steroid in this fruit is minute, thereby eliminating the risks of high blood pressure as opposed to manufactured steroids.

6. Gives the eyes a healthy boost

The presence of beta-carotene makes it beneficial for the eyes as well because it is also a provitamin A.

That means the body can easily convert it to vitamin A, thereby helping to reduce wrinkles and prevents eye diseases.

Cola Lepidota offers much more than just its sweetness. Therefore, with publicity like this, many may bring this wild fruit home and promote its economic importance.

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