7 Foods That Keep Ulcer Away

Many foods are considered to provide soothing relief for ulcer patients, as it prevents excessive stomach irritation.Examples are broccoli, carrots, cabbages, bananas, honey, avocados etc. However, recommendations may vary according to the severity and type of ulcer, including other individual factors. 1. Honey Honey is a potential remedy to treat wounds, and as such, can…

8 Local Remedies For Stomach Ulcer

An ulcer occurs when the gastric acid in the stomach eats away the protective linings (mucosal defence) of the digestive tract (stomach, small intestine or oesophagus) developing into an open sore.

6 Fascinating Benefits of Christmas Melon (Tagiri)

After so many times of stumbling on this fruit in the market, I am happy to share this exciting information. Christmas Melon (Laganaria Breviflorus), commonly known as Tagiri in Yourba has many fascinating benefits to both humans and poultry. Tagiri is a well-known powerful fruit beneficial for physical and spiritual uses. It is well known…

Quick Fixes for Nosebleeds during Harmattan

Cold is cold, whether it is winter cold, autumn cold or harmattan cold. The results are almost similar for everyone. In this period of harmattan (usually from December to late January) , many people may start to experience nosebleeds just like some people do during winter. Let’s quickly look at the causes and treatment. What…

9 Quick Fixes for Puffy Eyes at Home

It’s not every day that one wakes up with cheeks as rosy as snow White’s. Sometimes, you may wake up with a puffed eye/face as if you narrowly escaped a boxing ring. But wait! Before you blame it all on stress, know that there are other reasons you may have puffed eyes. Before we go…

5 Memorable Ways to Spend Time with Your Loved Ones

Originally posted on BloomHood:
family The happy memories you have today may be what you will feed your mind on many years to come. The laughter, the fun moments, kisses and hugs will always stay fresh in your mind, as well as give it a healthy boost. Hence, to create such memories with your family…