Top 10 Fun Facts about the Animal’s Heart

The heart is one of the vital organs of the body which functions to pump oxygenated blood to the other body organs and systems. Interestingly, the human heart is quite different in structure and maybe in function from that of some animals. Here is the list of the 10 most amazing facts about some animal’s…

Learn to Live and Love Like a Child

Children have a lot to teach us. They may be at times difficult to understand but their thoughts and ways are not adulterated like that of an adult. Learn to Live and Love Like a Child

5 Great Ways to Defeat Loneliness Even When Alone

Truth be told! You may be alone and not feel lonely. You can also be in the midst of hundreds of people and yet feel as if you are the only one remaining on this planet earth. Most times, being alone is something that we may not want to choose but it is bound to…

8 Common Bad Habits and How to Stop Them

Bad habits are behaviours we neglect or do constantly that can improve or endanger our health respectively. In this article, I will be focusing on some common bad habits different from binge drinking or smoking. These habits are classified as body-focused repetitive behaviours. We do some of them every day without even thinking or knowing….

Learn to Live and Love Like a Child

Love is a beautiful thing, but to love like a child is even more beautiful. Children are purely angelic. They have the heart Gold, a smile full of warmth and a love that comes from the deepest hearts. Most often than not, we adults live and take things too serious that we tend to miss…

How to Know Your Frenemies and Deal with Them

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Nevertheless, you see this set of people called Frenemies, distant yourself from them if you can’t beat them. They are much worse than your enemies. To have an enemy is inevitable. You cannot make friends with everyone. There are just people who may not like you for…

Arthritis Management: Lifestyle Changes That Will Help

No one wishes to have arthritis or any other health conditions that they probably have to live with and manage their whole life. Arthritis is a condition caused by joint injury or infection and can affect anyone irrespective of age, although it is most common in older people. This condition causes pain, swelling and stiffness…