The Healing Abilities of Awolowo Leaf

While we find the healing and medicinal benefits of some plants, herbs and vegetables intriguing, some have little or no idea about the healing powers of some weeds.Yes! Some of those weeds you pull out from the farm, garden and around the house are of great benefit.I am happy to share the benefit of Awolowo…

How to Grow and Enjoy Amaranth Greens

Amaranth greens, commonly called ”green” and easily substituted for spinach (although it’s also called African spinach is cultivated for both its grains and leafy vegetable.However, in Nigeria, it’s cultivated for its leafy vegetable and serves culinary purposes. Good as vegetable stew for rice and yam, in porridges and many more. In the southern parts of…

Datura (Gegemu) – A Death Wish

DO NOT take Datura (Gegemu) whole or in mixture with a drink or any other substance. Smoked as weed or cooked as a vegetable unless you are on a suicide mission.

Calabar Beans Toxicity and Uses

It is effective in the treatment of glaucoma. How then does it work? The alkaloid helps to reduce eyes pressure (intraocular pressure) by contracting the pupils.

How to Increase Homegrown Tomato Yield

I do not want you to take the whole year to plant a seed that will not fruit.
Owing to that, I want to share the mistakes I made so that you will learn from them and take the necessary corrections.

Top 10 Deadly Plants You Should Avoid

You cannot know a poisonous plant by its appearance. Most deadly plants look beautiful and attractive. Hence, whether you are a forager, fighting for survival or just a freak who loves a taste of new plants in their cuisines, do not eat or use any plant you are not sure of its edibility. That is…

Names and Uses of Indigo Plant

As people are embracing more of western culture than theirs, many local names for things like plants are becoming less used and known. Indigo is a widely used plant well-known for its use as dye. It is not only a natural way to give fabrics and hair a blue tint but it is safer. There…