7 Foods That Keep Ulcer Away

Many foods are considered to provide soothing relief for ulcer patients, as it prevents excessive stomach irritation.Examples are broccoli, carrots, cabbages, bananas, honey, avocados etc. However, recommendations may vary according to the severity and type of ulcer, including other individual factors. 1. Honey Honey is a potential remedy to treat wounds, and as such, can…

Ukwa (African Breadfruit) – Enriching Body and Mind

In Igbo land (the eastern part of Nigeria), Ukwa is one of the special delicacies. Not only is it a seasonal food but pricey too. It does not swell up while cooking like rice, yam or even beans would do. So, to eat to your satisfaction, you have to buy as much as possible. In…

Health Benefits of Cola Millenii (Red Monkey Kola)

I am as excited as you are about this fruit. To be truthful, I just knew about this fruit barely two months ago from a friend. So you see, even if it is your first time, it feels good knowing about it now than not. There is more than a type of Monkey kola. Some…

The Goodness of Udara (African Star Apple)

While Udara can be either sweet or sour, know that it has even greater potential beyond the taste, which can be harnessed for the benefit of many if well looked into.