Fight Whitlow with these Sure Remedies

If you have never had whitlow, you may not understand the pain that those who have passed through. To say it is excruciating is an understatement.

From the tingling pain to constant headaches, swelling, pus formation etc., is an out-of-the-world experience.

What is Whitlow?

Whitlow is a very painful viral infection that affects the fingers. The virus causing this infection is known as Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), otherwise called Herpetic Whitlow.

The affected finger or area typically shows some small fluid-filled blisters around the tips or nails.
People with weakened immune systems such as HIV/AIDs and Diabetic patients are more likely to develop whitlow.

More so, biting the fingernails can cause whitlow too. Since it will further expose the skin to bodily fluids contaminated with HSV.

This brings us to the other type of whitlow known as melanotic whitlow, which causes tissue destruction, especially for nail biters.
Therefore, while biting your fingernails may not cause whitlow, it prepares a fertile ground for it to set in.

Its development leads to symptoms, such as
Painful, red and swollen fingertips/nails
Small blisters formed around the affected area
Burning sensation or tingling
Swelling and pain can cause headaches and a slight drop in temperature.

To treat or manage whitlow, many conventional treatments, antiviral medication and topical creams are available.

While some get better with the above treatment methods, some still resort to herbal treatment, as they believe it’s more effective than conventional treatments.

Here are some herbal remedies

1. Neem leaves (Azadirachta Indica)

Neem is well-known to possess antiviral properties and have been used for ages to treat many viral infections.

Therefore, Neem leaves and oil with their great antiviral and antibacterial properties can help treat whitlow by reducing inflammation and promoting healing.

  • Make a poultice of the neem leaves
  • Apply on the affected finger,
  • Allow it to stay long enough to dry up,
  • If you are using the oil, massage it gently on the finger.

2. Palm oil

When it comes to red palm oil, you cannot tell me otherwise. Applying red oil on wounds and cuts has been an effective remedy that also naturally speeds up pus formation and drainage.

I still do not understand how it works, but it does work. To use this method, first of all;

  • Deep the affected finger inside the thinly open lime or lemon for about 15mins (it acts as a means of sterilization),
  • Then massage enough red oil on the finger,
  • Do this for a couple of day and see a speed in the ripening and bursting of the pus.

3. Garlic (Allium Sativum)

Garlic is a very potent antiviral agent and a natural one at that. It will help to fight the virus responsibly and reduce discomfort.

  • Crush fresh garlic cloves,
  • Apply the juice to the affected area.
  • Some like applying the crushed cloves as a paste without squeezing out the juice,
  • Then wrap it with a clean bandage,
  • Repeat this process every day for optimal results.

4. Bitter Leaf (Veronica amygdalina)

The usefulness of bitter leaves is often limited to cooking. It is medicinal and has been used in making many herbal medicines.

The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compound it contains makes it beneficial in treating whitlow.

  • Make a poultice of the bitter leaf,
  • Apply on the finger and allow it to dry out.

More Tips

One good thing about these herbs is that while you apply them topically, you can also squeeze out the juice and drink to fight the infection internally.

However, if you want to combine the herbal and conventional methods for faster action, then, do this;

  • Take conventional medications like antibiotics, painkillers etc. and then apply the herbs topically.
  • Do not take the herbs orally and still take conventional medications to avoid negative drug interaction and effects.
  • When the pus drains out, you may have to apply aloe vera for faster wound healing.
  • Whitlows can come in various degrees. Therefore, when conventional medications and herbal remedies do not show any progress, it may be time to visit the hospital for further assistance.


While these remedies may offer you temporary relief from whitlow symptoms, they are not a substitute for medical treatment and consultation.

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