8 Signs your Kidney may be Failing

The kidney is the organ responsible for purifying the blood and balancing the body’s fluid.
It works tirelessly to remove impurities from the blood and passes it out as waste product through urine.
But what happens when it cannot perform these functions?
It then becomes a clear sign that the organ is failing.

The rate at which people are now diagnosed with Kidney failure and disease is on the high side.
It becomes imperative to have a regular checkup and be on the safe side.
In addition to that, know the common causes of kidney failure and disease to help curb the risk.

What can cause kidney disease?

The main cause of kidney failure or disease is high blood pressure and diabetes.
Other causes are:

  • Ageing – As one ages, the kidney functions also decline and may not function as it is supposed to.
  • Obesity – This is an indirect cause of kidney failure or disease. While it does not directly affect the kidney, it triggers other risk factors like hypertension and diabetes.
  • Medication – Prolonged use of medication can create havoc for the kidneys over time. For example NSAIDs like pain relievers.
  • Delayed diagnosis and lack of awareness
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle

Addressing these risk factors is crucial in curbing kidney disease and failure.

Detecting the early signs of kidney disease without proper medical help is difficult. But still, some signs can give it away regardless of how subtle it may be, and which you should look out for.

Kidney failure signs

Early signs of kidney disease/failure

1. Fatigue and Weakness

When the kidney declines in its function, toxins easily build up and the kidney purifies the blood less often leading to the accumulation and leakage of impurities (waste, chemicals, extra fluid) into the bloodstream which creates an overall feeling of weakness and fatigue.

2. Changes in Urination

When there is a sudden change in the frequency of urination especially at night, with a feeling of difficulty or pain in urination, it is a red flag that it could be kidney-related issues.
There are also significant colour changes (darker or slightly red) often accompanied by foamy urine. These changes in urination are a wake-up call to tend to your kidney.

3. Swelling

When the kidney fails to function as it should, it is expected not to be able to expel unwanted fluid from the body properly.
This excess fluid stays back in the body, leading to swelling which is more prominent on the face and limbs.

4. Nausea and Vomiting

Kidney failure may cause an unexpected feeling of being unwell, where you may feel sick to the stomach.
This feeling is caused by the waste product (impurities) that have accumulated in the blood and which may cause some gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea and vomiting.

5. Shortness of Breath

When fluid buildup and can’t be passed out as urine, it leaks into the lungs intercepting the air.
As it waters down the air, it makes it almost impossible to flow well, therefore causing shortness of breath.
This symptom is also called pulmonary oedema and is often associated with chest pain and inflammation.

6. Back Pain

A feeling of dull one-sided pain in the back or upper ribs could be a sign of kidney failure or disease.  It can also be felt on both sides of the spine when both kidneys are affected.
Kidney failure is not the only cause of such pains, as kidney stones, kidney infections or other kidney problems could be a culprit.
However, it is still an indication that something is wrong with the kidney.

7. Awful Breath and Taste

One of the signs your kidney could be failing is when you start experiencing some changes in taste.
You develop a metallic taste in your mouth and your breath smells like ammonia, which is not only noticeable to you but also to others.
These changes in smell and taste are caused by the waste buildup in the blood.

8. Itching and Dry Skin

Itching skin is a common sign of kidney failure. The degree of itchiness increases as the kidney failure or disease advances.
So what started as a mild itching can become life-disrupting later.
The itchiness may focus on one area of the body or be experienced all over.
When kidneys fail to maintain the balance of minerals and nutrients in the blood, it can cause severe itching, dry and scaling skin.


While some may be lucky to detect these early signs of kidney failure, some may not until it is fully blown or advanced.
Therefore, while you are paying attention to these signs also go for body checkups occasionally to back it up.
So that even if the signs are subtle, they can be diagnosed and treated early, and you can keep your kidneys as healthy as possible, and failure or disease progression very slow for irreversible cases.

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